Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Maggie's Little Brother

Although I am a couple months late in posting this, I wanted to share the joy that has come into our lives with the birth of Maggie's little brother, Timothy Charles Hoffman. Recently I read Psalms 30:11 that says "...You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever." It reminded me that there were many people that shared in our mourning with the loss of Maggie, and I want all those who mourned with us to now be able to share in our joy. Many times we are quick to ask for prayers and support when life is hard, but often times we forget to share our praises -- our God is WORTHY TO BE PRAISED! We are praising God for the birth of our healthy baby boy. Timothy was born on November 21st, 2012 and I don't think I can accurately describe the joy and relief I felt when I held in my arms for the first time. I am thankful that the midwife who delivered Maggie was able to deliver Timothy as well. When we arrived at the hospital for Timothy's delivery one of the nurses who had assisted at Maggie's birth  came by to wish us well, reminding us once again that Maggie mattered in this world.
Carson, as expected, is a WONDERFUL big brother to Timothy. I can already see a sweet brotherly bond beginning to form and am excited to see that bond flourish in the years to come. Having a newborn at home keeps me busy and tired (hence, the delay on this post), but Timothy's smiles and coos remind me of what a precious gift a baby is (even on those sleepless nights) and I have much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Maggie's Anniversary

Last Friday marked the one year anniversary of Maggie's Day. Thank you to all the family and friends that reached out to us last week. Your continued support means so much to us. I am thankful for what God has done for our family this year (as we eagerly await the arrival of Maggie's little brother) and am thankful for the restoration He has brought to our lives. But the truth is, September 7th will never be "just another day" in our house. It will always be Maggie's day - the day we celebrated her birth, the day we gave her back to Jesus. My emotions ran high last week - not knowing how best to celebrate Maggie, how best to honor her.On Friday morning, I found myself at the funeral home where her ashes are kept. It just seemed like the right place to go. I sat in a parlor and gave myself the opportunity to grieve for a few minutes --missing someone you love is just part of the human experience. Then it was time to wipe my tears and celebrate the little life that touched so many.

My sister, Julee, jump-started the celebration by bringing over cupcakes from McEntyre's bakery.
She also gave me beautiful red roses in a vase etched with Maggie's initials and adorned with a pearl necklace

My parents sent a beautiful bouquet of pink and white flowers and
Charles also arranged two bouquets of flowers for his girls -- me and Maggie.

On Saturday, Charles, Carson, and I visited the Angel Garden in Sandy Springs. It is a special memorial garden established by SHARE Atlanta for families who have lost babies. We have ordered a memorial brick for Maggie that will be placed in the garden this Fall. I am so grateful to have a place to go as a family to remember and celebrate Maggie.

We left a single flower at the Angel Garden in celebration of Maggie's day.
We have a special box to store our memories of Maggie -- the angel blanket we wrapped around her when she was born, the pearl bracelet and tiny pink hat we placed on her after she was born, ink handprints and footprints, the many cards of sympathy and support we received from family and friends, the hand-stitched blue smocked dress we received as a gift from a friend, a certificate from the milk bank where I was able to donate my milk to help other babies in NICU, the teddy bear I carried home with me from the hospital, small locks of Maggie's hair,  a white blanket made by Nana, and pictures of the day we spent together.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Maggie the middle child

In the months following Maggie's birth, I often heard the question "do you think that you will have any more children?" My answer was always the same:  "I think Maggie will be a middle child, just like her momma." It now appears that Maggie and I have something in common. I know that she is smiling down on me from heaven and is excited about her baby brother growing in my tummy. There hasn't been a day gone by that I haven't thought about Maggie and I will never seek to replace her. However, even while I was still pregnant with Maggie, I was confident that God wanted our family to continue to grow. I am past the halfway mark with this pregnancy and am excited to announce that a healthy baby boy will be joining our family in November. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was really excited but also struggled with fear. Again, I asked God for a covering of peace. He provided that peace by continuing to reveal ways that Maggie's life impacted the lives of others. I want to say thank you to all those who shared with me the ways that Maggie made a difference in your lives.

I am so thankful for the good reports I received from the doctor at my 20 week ultrasound a few weeks ago. Both Charles and I felt such a heavy load lifted from our shoulders when we found out I was carrying a healthy baby boy. The weeks leading up to the ultrasound were very emotional and I still have moments of sadness. Now that my "baby bump" is in full bloom, I often get asked by well-meaning strangers if this is my first/only child. At first, I had such a difficult time answering this question. I didn't want to have to explain about Maggie to those who didn't know, but I also felt like it was a betrayal if I didn't acknowledge her. The truth is she will always be a part of our family and I will never forget her. She knows that she is loved and that is all that matters. I found that the best way to answer the "how many children do you have" question is to simply say that "I have a four-year-old at home with me" and leave it at that. Carson, of course, is excited about the new addition to our family and continues to reference his baby brother as "the NEW baby in mommy's tummy" and sometimes still refers to "he" as "she." He is such a great big brother! We feel blessed that both Carson and our new baby boy will have an extra set of angel eyes watching them from heaven.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Note of Thanks

As I have said before, our journey with Maggie has been covered with peace – from the day she was diagnosed to the day she was delivered.  It is a peace that can only come from God and is a direct result of so many people faithfully praying for us. All we can say is thank you – thank you for joining with us on this journey. I have received many comments over the last several weeks about how well we seem to be doing and the only answer I can give is that God has answered our prayers. We asked for peace and we asked you to pray for that peace.  God has heard those prayers. It does not mean that we don’t feel pain and we don’t feel sadness, but it does mean that at the end of the day God is still God and we can find rest in that.

Over the last three months I have also been reminded of the beauty of the human spirit. It has been a humbling experience to be on the receiving end of people’s willingness and desire to give of their time, talents, and resources to show their support for us. Our family, friends, church family, neighbors, and coworkers have blown us away with their capacity to find ways to support us in a seemingly impossible situation. So many of you have met us at our point of need – from helping us design the beautiful blog for Maggie, to providing the gift of massage for my aching back, to watching Carson for me so that I could rest, to re-decorating rooms in my home as a way to brighten my spirits, to pointing me to people who have experienced similar losses in their lives. We have been blessed by the meals that have been and continue to be provided for us. The last two weeks have been such a restful time for me as I have spent time at home and have not had to worry about preparing meals for my family. God has used this time to remind me, as it says in Psalms, to “Be Still and Know that I am God.” For those that know me very well, you know that “being still” is not one of my strong suits. I tend to use my responsibilities and “to do lists” to distract me from processing thoughts and emotions. In the weeks following Maggie’s birth and death, God has used this time to teach me what it means to “be still” and to rest in the knowledge that He has and will continue to provide for our needs – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

We would like to thank all of the people involved in providing a beautiful memorial service for Maggie. The directors at the funeral home did a wonderful job helping us organize a simple and sweet service for Maggie. The service began with two hymns –How Great Thou Art  and It is Well. Jonathon, a worship leader at our church played his guitar and sang both of these songs for us. Both Charles and I love the sound of hymns played on an acoustic guitar and were grateful to include them in Maggie’s service. Davin, an associate pastor at our church (Roswell Street Baptist), then read two verses that have held significant meaning for us during our  journey with Maggie– Jeremiah 29:11 and Mathew 5:8.  Dr. Easley, our senior pastor, provided a message of hope that is found in II Samuel, Chapter 12. In this chapter King David has just found out that his child that was sick has died. When he learns of this death, the Bible says that David “went into the house of the Lord and worshiped.”  The passage reminded all of us that, even in our grief, we can rejoice in the assurance of God’s sovereignty. Jonathon ended the service with the song Silent Night.  I like to think of it as Maggie’s special song. I began singing Silent Night to Carson around Christmas time last year and I still sing it to him most nights when I am putting him to bed.  The way I see it, Maggie has been hearing this song since she was conceived. I thought it only fitting to include it in her memorial service and I love the closing line that says “Sleep in heavenly peace. Sleep in heavenly peace.”

One of our prayers was that God be glorified in the life our sweet little girl. I have received many cards, calls, messages, and emails from people who have been touched by Maggie’s life. Thank you for sharing with us the impact that Maggie’s life has made on your own lives –it has been a source of encouragement to us and an answer to prayer.  We will always cherish the time we had with Maggie. Thank you for cherishing her as well.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Day with Maggie

It has been ten days since Maggie was born, a week since we laid her to rest. I want to remember every moment I spent with Maggie. I am afraid that if I don’t write it down, I will forget. This blog represents Maggie’s baby book. Less than a dozen posts represent the span of her life on earth. I want to share everything I learned about Maggie while I carried her in my womb. I want to share everything about the day I held her in my arms.

As I carried Maggie in my womb for over seven months, I had the opportunity to get to know Maggie better than anyone else.  I will do my best to share what I learned about my little girl. I think Maggie was a good listener. I remember when Carson was a baby all the parenting books I read (and there were a lot of them) said that I should begin verbally communicating with my children before they even learned to talk. So that is what I did. As I pushed Carson around the neighborhood in his stroller as a baby I would talk to him about the weather, the trees, and sometimes even about the neighbors (just kidding). I would do my best to explain the world around him. I made no exception with Maggie.  I would talk to Maggie about my day as I drove home from work. I would explain to Maggie my own theories on grocery store aisle organization as I unsuccessfully hunted down hard to find items on our weekly shopping trips. I am sure that I received many curious stares from the other store patrons, but let’s just hope they chalked it up to pregnancy brain.  
I also think that Maggie would have been one of those babies that I could brag about sleeping through the night at a very young age. When I first began to feel Maggie moving around in my tummy, I noticed that she was very active during the day…turning and dancing and kicking me all day long. But as night time approached, and I settled myself down to sleep, I noticed that Maggie often settled too. The kicking would subside and she would rest (as I rested) until about 7am the next morning when she would gently  wake me with her little kicks and turns (but only if Carson didn’t beat her to it…which he often did!).

I often wonder what kind of personality Maggie would have had. If we were lucky, she would have the same sweet and tender spirit of her brother, the gentleness and integrity of her father, and maybe even a hint of humor like her mother. I often wonder what she would look like as a little girl. Would she sport the same (surprisingly) blonde hair as her brother or the brown, curly hair of her mother? I don’t dwell on these wonderings for very long because I know that as a heavenly being, Maggie’s beauty – both inward and outward – is far greater than I can even imagine.

I felt a gamut of emotions on the day that Maggie was born - some of them expected and some of them surprising. When Maggie was delivered, I knew she was stillborn. There were no expectations of hearing her first cry or seeing her first move.  It was a moment tinged with sadness, but now that I recall it in my mind, I also remember feeling an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.  It was a surprising emotion to feel, but I felt it all the same. In that moment, it did not matter to me that I would not nurse my daughter or change her diaper. I had just given birth to my second child and for that I was very proud. As I think back to those few moments after Maggie was born, I really don’t think I acted much different than I had when Carson was born three years earlier.  I felt relieved that the ordeal of giving birth was over. I was hungry and asked for a cheeseburger and a coke (what can I say, I felt like indulging). I couldn’t wait to share Maggie with my family and friends. Maggie was my daughter and I was proud of her and completely and totally in love with her.
When the adrenaline of the delivery began to wear off, I also remember feeling a hint of fear, even a hint of anger.  I was fearful that the cap we placed on her head would fall off and others would see the deformities of anencephaly. I was angry at myself for having this fear. But when Maggie was dressed in a beautiful gown and I placed a pearl bracelet around her tiny wrist, the fear and anger subsided. I was going to celebrate Maggie and share her with the world.

Looking back on that day, it does seem a little strange that I would hold a stillborn baby in my arms throughout the night and on into the next day. I remember how Maggie became colder and colder as the night progressed and I remember wrapping her in layers of blankets, thinking it might help. Though I knew she had died, I needed her close to me. We had been on a long journey together and I was not ready to say goodbye just yet. I am grateful to the nurses and to my family and friends for being gracious with me as I spent my day with Maggie. Maggie had so many visitors the evening she was born and even into the next day. I am so thankful that I was able to share her with many who have been on this journey with me and have grown to love Maggie just as I do.  She received lots of cuddles and lots of kisses. No one could believe how tiny she was. Everyone could believe how precious she was.

As my time with Maggie neared its end, the gamut of emotions continued. There was the joy of holding my baby girl, the sadness of letting her go, and fear returned as well. Fear that the peace I had so fervently prayed for would come crumbling down when faced with the reality of saying goodbye.  Leading up to Maggie’s birth, I knew that the most difficult moment would be kissing her goodbye when the representatives from the funeral home came to pick her up from the hospital. It was almost 24 hours to the minute since she was born that I heard the knock on my hospital room door. I knew they had come for Maggie. We had called them and told them it was time.  She felt so cold and her once delicate pink skin now carried a dark purple hue. Although there were many tears shed in those few minutes of saying goodbye, God was faithful in restoring peace to us once again. Charles and I both understood that Maggie no longer resided in her broken, earthly body, but had been restored to a perfect body and now danced on heaven’s streets of gold.
Leaving the hospital that day, I clutched a teddy bear, baby blankets, and a memory box that had been assembled for Maggie. It contains multiple copies of tiny ink handprints and footprints, a measuring tape cut to Maggie’s birth length of 12 inches, a tiny plaster footprint, a pink baby cap just like the one placed on her head after she was born, a lock of her hair, and the pearl bracelet she wore on the day we spent together. As I sat down in the passenger seat of our van, another mother – a new mother – was also getting into her car; she carried a newborn baby in her arms. The reality of the situation almost took my breath away, but yet, the peace remained. Maggie has blessed my life in so many ways,  just as she has blessed so many others and, for that, I am grateful.  

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obituary for Maggie Karina Hoffman

Infant Maggie Karina Hoffman died on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 in Marietta.
A Memorial Service will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 10th at Mayes Ward-Dobbins Chapel in Marietta with Dr. Ernest Easley officiating.
Maggie is survived by her parents, Charles & Jana Hoffman and big brother, Carson all of Smyrna.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Roswell Street Women's Pregnancy Center, 822 Roswell Street, Marietta, GA 30060.
Mayes Ward-Dobbins Funeral Home and Crematory in Marietta is in charge of arrangements.

There has been a CareCalendar set up for friends and family to help the Hoffman’s with meals for the next few months.  It is set for 2 months, but if the need is still there after this time period, we will extend it to accommodate them further.  To access Hoffman Family's personal CareCalendar site, visit http://www.carecalendar.org/logon/86307 and enter
the following information in the appropriate spaces:

     CALENDAR ID:   86307
     SECURITY CODE:   9385