Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tummy Tickles and Dancing Feet

It was almost one month ago that we first learned of Maggie’s diagnosis. I can remember everything about that moment and I am sure that it is a moment I will never forget. While I think about the diagnosis often, I don’t dwell on it. I am learning to enjoy the moments I have with her now.

Carson is a great big brother and enjoys tickling my tummy and says that he is tickling Maggie. I tell him that, even though we can’t hear her, I am sure she laughs just like he does. Maggie is an active girl and moves around a lot in my womb. I have particularly noticed distinct movements in the vicinity of where I think her little feet are located. I can only assume that she is having herself a little dance party! I am also convinced that Maggie is a cat person. Our cat (named Hopper) enjoys curling up next to me on the couch in the evenings. I think Hopper realizes that Maggie is a pretty special baby and likes to curl up next to my tummy to be near her. Often times, Maggie will begin moving around as Hopper stretches out next to her. Some may call this a coincidence, but I don’t think so.

We have a couple of appointments for Maggie over the next couple of weeks. On Friday, we plan to meet with a hospital administrator at Kennestone where we will be delivering Maggie to talk about birth plans and accommodations available at the hospital. I have my monthly OB appointment next week. These appointments are primarily made to make sure that my health throughout the pregnancy remains stable (blood pressure, weight check, etc.…). The doctor will also use a Doppler to check on Maggie’s heartbeat. I ask for your prayers that these appointments go well – that the hospital administrator will be able to answer all of our questions and that when my doctor check’s on Maggie’s heartbeat that it will be strong.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jana,

    Thank you for sharing Maggie's story online. I am a friend of Jim Cunningham's (I am a pastor at his church), and he told me about you. You write beautifully. :)
    Add my prayers to the list for Maggie. You are very special.

    God bless you!
    Chris Jackson
